Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Data Processing

Data Processing

Data: It is unprocessed information.
Data processing is the collecting of data together and converting them into a meaningful information or result.
Information / result: This is a processed or worked upon data

Method of Data Processing:
1.    Manual Method: This involve the processing of data using manual method, like stones, beads, natural ability or strength etc. it is known as the traditional way of processing data and also the oldest method of data processing.
2.    Mechanical Method: It involves the use of mechanical devices such as adding machine, calculator, type writer etc to process data.
3.    Electronic Method: it involves the use of electronic devices such as computer system, electronic calculators etc, to process data.

Stages of Data Processing
1.    Collection of data/resource document
2.    Imputation of data
3.    Processing of data / manipulation of data
4.    Storage of data
5.    The generation of information

Types of Data
1.    Alphabetical data: They are recorded in form of text on which calculation cannot be perform e.g list of names.
2.    Numerical data: They are recorded as numbers on which calculation can be perform e.g salary figures. Processing in such usually takes the form of sorting, arithmetic searching, comparism etc.
3.    Logical data: They are data that can have only two possible values under a given condition. It is used in a situation where decision making is needed e.g “true or false” “good or bad” etc.
4.    Graphical data: They are data that are recorded in form of pictures .Its representation includes statistical charts, mathematical graphs, architectural and engineering drawings, organizational charts e.t.c.
5.    Date data: They are used to represent date and time. YY MM DD, DD MM YY are the two standard methods of representing date.

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