Friday, 17 October 2014


About Java Updates

Java, like Flash, is used in programs and on web pages to allow interactivity and movement. Updating Java allows your computer to be protected against security holes that have been found in the program.
Java, like Windows, will inform you when it needs updating with an information balloon near the system tray. Click on the balloon and follow the directions.

Antivirus Updates
Your antivirus program should check for and install updates automatically. If you wanted to see if it is doing this, you will have to double click on the icon in the system tray. If you are unsure as to which icon is the antivirus icon, point to the icons one at a time and wait for the label to pop up. Some common program icons are:

Once you have double clicked on the icon the antivirus window will open. You will have to look around at all of the features, as every program displays things differently.
There should also be an option in the antivirus window to schedule periodic scans. Choose a time of day when you know your computer will be on but you will not be using it, as a full system scan can slow down the other tasks you may be performing. A full system scan only needs run once a week. Your computer should automatically scan for threats on any download you perform.

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