Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Icons/Types of Icons

Icons are small pictures or objects which represent commands or programs in the computer system. Having a knowledge of different types of icons facilitate users operational task in windows.
1.      GROUP ICON: These represent folders (i.e. directory) that aid in grouping related files or sub- folders. They usually appear yellow in color.

2.      APPLICATION ICON: These represent application software. Upon double- clicking on any of these types of icons opens the environment of that application. They carry symbols that are synonymous to what they do.

3.      DOCUMENT ICON: These are symbols representation of user file(s) created with the use of specific application software in the computer system. These when double- clicked open what they contain. They usually have an icon that is synonymous to the environment where they are created.

4.      COMMAND ICON: These are graphical symbols found within application software environment that represent commands for operators to carry out their task in that environment. They always appear in a symbol of what they are used for.

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