Monday, 20 October 2014



This is just the name given to all those programs that runs inside the computer or there are sets of instructions that tell the computer hardware what to do.
Program: This is a set of instruction that is written in a computer readable language.

Software is subdivided into two (2)
1.    System Software; which includes operating system, language translator, device driver, utility program and library program.
2.    Application Software; which includes application package and user written software


Types of application package:
·        Word processor
·        Presentation
·        Spread sheet
·        Publication
·        Graphical programs
·        DBM (Data Base Management Program)

Types of word processor:
·        Microsoft word
·        Word pad
·        Note pad
·        Amipro
·        Word star

Types of spread sheet:
·        Microsoft excel
·        K-speed
·        Lotus 1,2, & 3
·        Perfect plan

Types of presentation:
·        Microsoft  power point
·        Micro media director
·        Micro media flash
·        Adobe photo shop
·        Converter
·        Lotus 1,2 & 3

Types of graphical programs:
·        Corel draw
·        Ms-power point
·        Adobe photo shop
·        Ventura
·        Sketch pad
·        Microsoft publisher

Types of DBM (Data Base Management Program):
·        Micro soft access
·        Alpha five (5)

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